About Me

I started my journey in caring for children with my studies in Early Childhood Education at Tulane University and
at University of Maryland over two decades ago. I have since continued learning in many wonderful ways. The
bringing up of three wee ones was quite an experience. As they grew, they became my occasional assistants when I
left retail behind and started to provide private childcare full time to parents in the area. Even today, as young
adults living their own lives, they continue to be my best resume.
For the past 8 years, I have worked at Morning Song Home Nursery, under the wisdom and guidance of Joya Matza, who
has been providing loving care to children for 30 years.
I strongly believe, now more than ever, that young children thrive in nature, surrounded by its simple beauty, and
in the company of friends, human and animal alike.
Enfolded in the care and support of their adults, they step into the world with confidence and wonder; surrounded
by the changing faces of nature, they follow their curiosity, and their imagination blossoms; held with firm
tenderness and kindness, they experience compassion for others and for self, and to care for the young, the small,
and the friend, old and new.
Rooted in Love, they learn to Fly.